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17-18 November
北海道の東川町に行き、「適疎」なまちづくりのための多主体参加型の農村計画を考える日中国際交流研究セミナーに参加ししました。 見学会では、旧小学校を転用したコミュニティホールや家具工房などを訪れました。
Ohno went to Higashikawa Town in Hokkaido to participate in a Japan-China international research seminar on multi-actor participatory rural planning for moderately dense community development. The tour included a community hall and a furniture workshop, each of which was converted from a former elementary school.
31 August -
5 September
We surveyed the Yulin City (in the northern end of Shaanxi Province in China), a Yaodong (underground dwelling) settlement and an urban Yaodong four-section compound.
24 July -
31 August
At Northeast Normal University in Changchun, China, Ohno was sent by the Ministry of Education to teach academic writing and presentation in Japanese to students coming to Japan on a Japanese government scholarship.
17-24 July
In Harbin, after visiting Harbin Institute of Technology, we saw the town with strong Russian influence and the interesting activities of the people there and the new opera house on its outskirts. We then enjoyed a forest walk in the northern part of this province.
25-26 May

水戸市で開催されたMERA(人間・環境学会)第31回年次大会に参加しました。会場は伊東豊雄設計の水戸市民会館で、会議中に隣接する磯崎新設計の水戸芸術館の見学ツアーも行われました。 茨城大学の先生方の行き届いた会議運営のおかげで、充実した会議を楽しむことができました。
Ohno participated the 31st Annual Conference of MERA (Man-Environment Research Association) held in Mito, Japan. The venue was the Mito Civic Hall designed by Toyo Ito, and a tour of the adjacent Art Tower Mito designed by Arata Isozaki was also conducted during the conference. Thanks to the well-organized conference by the professors of Ibaraki University, we enjoyed a very productive conference.

23 March
中国の東北師範大学の予備学校で教えた留学生たちと自宅でパーティをしました。 昨年夏に教えたクラスの学生7人全員が東京からだけでなく北海道、京都、九州から集まりました。また彼らの先輩と基礎日本語の伊達先生も参加して楽しい会になりました。
Ohno had a party at his home with the international students he taught at the preparatory school of Northeastern Normal University in China. All seven students in the class he taught last summer came not only from Tokyo, but also from Hokkaido, Kyoto, and Kyushu. Their seniors and Basic Japanese teacher Date also participated, making it a fun meeting.

30 August -
7 September
After visiting villages in Xi'an and Yan'an with Yaodong (underground dwellings), which Ohno investigated more than 40 years ago, he gave a talk at a symposium on rural architecture held at Xi'an Jiaotong University.
27-30 August
Ohno reunited with former students in Tianjin and Beijing and enjoyed Liangma River Boat cruise.
19 July -
27 August
Ohno's five-week "Japanese for Professionals" class in Changchun for Japanese Government Scholarship students held face-to-face for the first time in four years.
17 - 19 July
The first place of Ohno's first visit to China in four years was Dalian, where he gave a lecture at Dalian University of Technology, extended from his talk at EDRA54, with Gu Zongchao as interpreter.
20 -23 June
Ohno participated as a plenary speaker at the 54th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) held in Mexico City and gave a talk titled "Multisensory and Sequential Experiences in Urban and Architectural Spaces".

Presentation Slides ⇒PDF
18 May
Ohno was invited as a guest speaker for a seminar in the Sato Laboratory of the School of Human Sciences at Waseda University and enjoyed a talk on environmental behavior research and a lively discussion with students and teachers.
23 February-
13 April
Ohno gave online lectures on "Design Theory of Human Environment" as a spring semester course at the Graduate School of Xi'an Jiaotong University in China once again this year.
25 March
Ohno invited the international students he taught at a preparatory school at Northeast Normal University in China to a party at his home. Among the attendees, Prof. Hiroko Date and six students had previously interacted online, so this was the first time they had met face to face. Four students who had completed their doctoral degrees by this March also joined us.
8 March
Ohno gave a talk titled "Thoughts inspired by anthropology that questions the obvious" at the extended committee meeting of the Anthropological Approache Subcommittee of the Architectural Institute of Japan.
17 February
Ohno participated online as a commentator in the Architectural Institute of Japan's seminar titled "How do nursing homes for the elderly keep open under the risk of COVID-19 infections? ", which was organized by Yukako Tanimoto, a member of the subcommittee of architectural space-research.

19 November
北京で開催されたCEB-ASC 2022:環境行動研究国際会議でオンライン基調講演をしました。
Ohno gave an online keynote presentation at the CEB-ASC2022: The 15th International Conference on Environmental Behavior Research in Beijing, China..
Lecture slides ⇒ PDF
3 November
朱海鹏さんと連名の「Effect of Landscape Design on Depth Perception in Classical Chinese Gardens: A Quantitative Analysis Using Virtual Reality Simulation」 と題する論文がFrontiers in Psychology誌に掲載されました。
A paper entitled "Effect of Landscape Design on Depth Perception in Classical Chinese Gardens: A Quantitative Analysis Using Virtual Reality Simulation", which was jointly submitted with Ms. Zhu Haipeng, was published in Frontiers in Psychology.
Full paper ⇒ PDF
2 November
東京都市大学の世田谷キャンパスに引っ越した諫川輝之さんの研究室を訪ね、小林茂雄さんの研究室との合同ゼミに参加して、 久々に学生たちと直接対面のレクチャーを楽しみました。
Ohno visited Teruyuki Isagawa's laboratory at Tokyo City University, which has moved to the Setagaya Campus, and participated in a joint seminar with Shigeo Kobayashi's laboratory, where he enjoyed giving a face-to-face lecture to students after a long break.
1 November
The successor to the 1998 book "Human Environmental Studies" has been published. That project began in 2017, but slowed down with Covid-19; it took five years to finally get it published.
25 October
Ohno gave an online lecture titled "Multisensory Experience of Urban and Architectural Spaces" as part of an employee training program for CSCEC-TAISEI Construction Company.

Lecture slides (Chinese/Japanese) ⇒ PDF
5 August
Preliminary education for Japanese Government Scholarship students (doctoral course), "Japanese for Professionals," began on July 21, and Ohno gave a special lecture titled "FUDO (Climate) and Housing in Japan" on August 5.The five-week program was again taught online from Japan this year due to COVID-19.
15 July
The end-of-semester presentations were given by students in the class at Tokyo University of the Arts, and participants were able to enjoy face-to-face discussions that have not been possible online for quite some time.
20 May
UCLAの建築・都市デザイン学科でこの春学期に客員講師をされている小野田泰明東北大学教授からの依頼で、ひとコマ「Studies about Architectural Space and Human Behavior」と題して講義をしました。
Ohno gave a lecture entitled "Studies about Architectural Space and Human Behavior" at the request of Professor Yasuaki Onoda of Tohoku University, who is a visiting lecturer in the spring semester of the Department of Architecture and Urban Design at UCLA.
Slides for the lecture ⇒ PDF
8 April
Ohno continues to teach ”Environmental Planning Ⅰ” at the graduate school of Tokyo University of the Arts online using Zoom.
28 February
日本建築学会の人類学的アプローチ小委員会が開催した拡大委員会において、栗原伸治、佐野直子、吉沢望、諫川輝之の4委員が発表し、 建築学における人類学的アプローチの可能性について多角的な討論が行われました。
An extended committee meeting was held by Anthropological Approach Subcommittee of the Architectural Institute of Japan. Ohno moderatored presentations by Shinji Kurihara, Naoko Sano, Nozomi Yoshizawa, and Teruyuki Isagawa and discussions on multifaceted possibilities of anthropological approaches in architecture.
26 February -
11 June
Ohno gives online lectures on "Design Theory of Human Environment" as a spring semester class at Xi'an Jiaotong University Graduate School in China. Bilingual lecture notes in English and Japanese were updated based on the slides used in this class.


朱海鹏さんと連名の「パノラマ画像による庭園の視覚的体験の分析方法―留園のケーススタディ」 と題する論文が中国の「風景園林」誌に掲載されました。
A paper entitled "Visual Analysis Method of Garden Tour Experience Based on Panoramic Images: A Case Study of the Lingering Garden", which was jointly submitted with Ms. Zhu Haipeng, was published in China’s Journal of “Landscape Architecture”.
Full paper ⇒ PDF
10 December

Ohno participated as a commentator in the Architectural Institute of Japan's seminar titled "Toilet Beyond Toilet: What makes toilet spaces more than their function " and expressed his opinions from the perspective of environment-behavior study.
18 October

Ohno presented under the title of "Sense Awareness and Design" at the symposium on "Through Five Senses: Perceiving Architecture and Urban Space" held by the Architectural Institute of Japan's Subcommittee of Space Research Group.
23 September

董競瑶さんと連名の “Examination of the Japanese urban form using front/back concept: a case study in Shibuya Commercial District”と題する論文がJAABEに掲載されました。
A paper entitled “Examination of the Japanese urban form using front / back concept: a case study in Shibuya Commercial District”, which was jointly submitted with Dr. Dong Jingyao, was published in the Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (JAABE).
Full Article ⇒ PDF
7 September

Ohno participated the panel discussion on Covid-19 at the annual conference of Architectural Institute of Japan as a guest commentator.
22 July -
27 August

The class to teach academic writing and presentations in Japanese to students who come to Japan as government-sponsored international students for doctoral programs was conducted online again because of COVID-19.
2 June
日本建築学会 比較居住文化小委員会にて「コロナ・パンデミックによる行動変容―環境心理行動学・人類学的観点から」と題して講演しました。
Ohno gave a talk on “Behavior change caused by COVID-19 pandemic: from viewpoints of Environmental Psychology and Anthropology” at Sub Committee of Comparative Study on Dwelling Culture, Architectural Institute of Japan.
9 April
Ohno continues to teach ”Environmental Planning Ⅰ” at the graduate school of Tokyo University of the Arts online using Zoom.

28 November
Ohno participated MERA online seminar titled “Disaster risk perception and communication in the living environment” as a moderator.
27 November
At the space information seminar of Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Ohno gave an online lecture titled “Quantitative analysis of landscapes based on the ambient visual information.”
14 November
The 5th Ohno Lab homecoming gathering was held online. There were 27 attendees, including 3 participants from abroad. For 4 hours with an intermission, we enjoyed the participants' talk about recent activities and presentations on their current work.
19 September

Ms. Dong Jingyao, whom Ohno taught in Changchun, China in the summer of 2016, completed the doctoral course at the University of Tokyo by submitting a dissertation titled "Front and back: A study on urban space form and its transformation in Tokyo." She visited Ohno’s house before returning to China.
23 July -
27 August

Every summer, Ohno goes to Changchun, China to teach academic writing and presentations in Japanese to students who come to Japan as government-sponsored international students for doctoral programs, but this year, because of COVID-19, he had to teach online from Japan.
11 June
Since 2015 when Ohno stayed at the Dalian University of Technology in China as a “sea/sky scholar”, visiting professor, he has given guidance to Ms. Wang Chong for her doctoral dissertation. Wang's paper titled "Effect of Wall Texture on Perceptual Spaciousness of Indoor Space" has been published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
15 May
今年も東京藝術大学大学院で週一回教えることになりましたが、COVID-19 の感染防止のため、オンラインによる遠隔授業となっています。また建築学会や人間・環境学会などの委員会もすべてオンラインで行われています。
Ohno continues to teach EBS at the graduate school of Tokyo University of the Arts. However, he has to teach online using Zoom, a web conference service, at his class because of the COVID-19. All the comittee meetiongs of AIJ and MERA are held using Zoom too.

26 December
A reunion party was held in Ohno’s house with teachers and graduates of the preparatory school of Northeast Normal University in Changchun, China, where Ohno have been teaching every summer since 2015. Sixteen Chinese students, currently aiming for a doctoral degree at Japanese universities, came to join the party from various area in Japan.
9 November
The 4th Ohno Lab homecoming gathering was held at Tokyo Tech Front. There are 19 attendees, including accompanying persons.For two and a half hours, we enjoyed the participants' talk about recent activities and presentations on their current work.
27-28 September
日本建築学会の人間環境学の領域検討WGが湯河原温泉で「都市・建築デザインのための人間環境学(仮)」出版のための集中編集会議をしました。 The AIJ working group for examining the domain of human-environment studies had an intensive editorial meeting for publishing a new textbook titled “human-environment studies for architectural and urban design (tentative)” in Yugawara-onsen, a hot spring resort.
3 September
余 漾さんが務める北京の中国建築設計研究院の高齢者建築実験室を袁逸倩さんと見学。そこの室長の王羽博士と北京建築大学の林文潔博士と再会。その後、建国70周年記念式典を控えた天安門広場を訪れました。
Visited the Lab of architecture for senior citizen of the China Architecture Design & Research Group in Beijing, where Ms. Yu Yang is working, with Ms. Yuan Yi qian. Reunited with Dr. Wang Yu, the director of the Lab, and Dr.Lin Wen Jie of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. After that, we visited Tiananmen Square, where the 70th anniversary of the country is to be held.
31 August -
2 September
天津大学建築学院にて「住まいの環境心理学」と題して特別講義をする。研究室の卒業生で同大学副教授の袁逸倩さん、大連理工大学講師の顾宗超さん、北京の中国建築設計研究院の余 漾さんや旧知の天津大の教授らと再会する。
Ohno gave a special lecture entitled "Environmental psychology for dwelling" at School of Architecture, Tianjin University. He met ex-students of his laboratory (Ms. Yuan Yiqian, Associate Professor of Tianjin Unidersity; Dr. Gu Zongchao, Lecturer of Dalian University of Technology; Ms. Yu Yang, China Architecture Design & Research Group) as well as old friends, professors of Tianjin University.
23 July -
31 August
Ryuzo Ohno stayed 40 days at Northeast Normal University in Changchun, China, where he taught academic writing and presentation in Japanese to Chinese students who received scholarship from Japanese Government to seek Ph.D. degree in Japan.
12 June 2019
Ohno enjoyed a happy reunion with the Chinese students whom he taught in Changchun last year. They are now doctoral students in universities in Tokyo, Chiba, and Kobe.
2 June 2019
Ohno gave a lecture for the general public titled “Environmental psychology for dwellings” at “Shibuya 246 Seminar” sponsored by Shibuya Center of the Open University of Japan.
26 May 2019 EDRA会議後、40年来の友人Joeがツアーガイドをしているアメリカ建築家協会(AIA)NY支部の建築ボート・ツアーをNYで建築家 として活躍中の曽野さんと楽しむ。その後、曽野さん家族を交えてJoeの行きつけの店で会食。
After the EDRA conference, I and Mr. Sono who is an active architect in NY, enjoyed the AIANY Architecture Boat Tour that 40 years friend Mr. Joe Lengeling performed tour guide. After that, we had a meal at Joe's favorite restaurant with Sono's family.
22 -25 May2019 ニューヨーク大学で開催されたEDRA設立50周年記念大会に出席した。これは最初に参加したEDRA10から40年目にあたる。UCIのマズムダー教授の企画したシンポジウムに参加し、「Re-examination of “Cultural Difference” in Environment-Behavior Research」と題した発表を行った。
Ohno attended the EDRA 50th Anniversary Conference held at New York University, and it has been 40 years since he first attended EDRA10. He participated in a symposium organized by UCI's Professor Mazumdar, and made a presentation entitled “Re-examination of ‘Cultural Difference’ in Environment-Behavior Research”.
27 April 2019 長年にわたって環境行動研究に対する思いを共有してきた西出和彦教授は、今年3月末日で東京大学を定年退職された。 この日は、多くの研究室の教え子や同僚が最終講義とそれに続く懇親会に出席した。
Professor Kazuhiko Nishide, who has shared his interest in environmental behavior research for many years, retired from the University of Tokyo at the end of March this year. On this day, many laboratory students and colleagues attended the final lecture followed by the social gathering.
1 April 2019
Ohno continues to be a visiting professor of the Open University of Japan, where he gives lectures at Shibuya learning center. He also continues to teach EBS at the graduate school of Tokyo University of the Arts. He plans to teach Chinese students who received scholarship from Japanese Government at Northeast Normal University in Changchun, China for five weeks in Summer.
25 January
Ohno attended and gave a talk at the memorial celebration of Mr. Hitoshi Nakamura’s life and works (Jin-san Kai) held at the Hillside Terrace, Daikanyama, Tokyo. The gathering was attended by nearly 200 people. Mr. Nakamura (Jin-san), who died on 3 November, 2018, was Ohno’s long term friend and colleague since they met at Chatani Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1980.

12 November
東京都市大学の小林研究室のゼミに招かれ、「場所愛着」についてのショート・レクチャー。その後、 学生の卒業研究の発表について意見交換。諫川輝之さんも参加した。ゼミ後は全員大学近くで懇親会を楽しむ。
Ohno was invited to Kobayashi Laboratory in the Tokyo City University to give a short lecture on “place attachment” and gave some advice to students' research project. Dr. Teruyuki Isagawa also joined the seminar. After the seminar, everybody enjoyed a party near the campus.
5-8 November
西安とその近郊のヤオトンを35年ぶりに訪れる。案内は、袁逸倩さんの天津大学の同期生の李子萍さんと刘振锋さん。 また西安建築科技大学の李志民教授にも会うことができた。
Ohno revisited Xi'an and Yaodong (undergrond dwellings) near the city after 35 years' absence with Yuan Yichen's classmates (Ms. Li Ziping and Mr. Liu Zhenfeng) at Tianjin University as guides. He also met Professor Li Zhimin at Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology.
2-4 November
中国・武漢の華中科技大学で開催されたEBRA会議に出席。研究室OBの袁逸倩さん、余 漾さん、顾宗超さんに会う。また昨年教えた大連理工大学と瀋陽建築大学の学生達とも再会する。
Ohno attended EBRA Conference held at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan. He met ex-students of his laboratory (Yuan, Yu and Gu) as well as the graduate students he taught at Dalian University of Technology and Shenyang Jianzhu University in the preceding year.
7 September
After the AIJ annual conference in Sendai, Ohno participated a site tour guided by Mr. Yasuhiro Tanaka to "Ibasho House" in Ofunato and other reconstruction facilities for the Great East Japan Earthquake.
2 September
Ohno has returned home from Changchun, China, where he stayed about 5 weeks to teach at Northeast Normal University. At the farewell party, the students of his class gave Ohno a Tai Ji Quan wear as a gift, and he couldn’t avoid showing Tai Ji Quan which he just started to learn.
9 August
Ohno gave a special lecture on “Characteristics of traditional Japanese houses and their transformation” at Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, during his 5 weeks' stay to teach academic writing and presentation to Chinese students who received scholarship from Japanese Government to seek Ph.D. degree in Japan.minar” of Shibuya Center of the Open University of Japan.
27 June
日本建築学会の新英文誌(Japan Architectural Review)に諫川輝之,大野隆造「住民の地域環境に対する認知が津波避難行動に及ぼす影響―千葉県御宿町 の事例から―」の翻訳論文が掲載されました(オンラインジャーナル)。
Translated paper, "Influence of residents’ cognition of their local environment on evacuation behavior from tsunami: A case study of Onjuku, Chiba prefecture" by Teruyuki Isagawa1 and Ryuzo Ohno has published in the Japan Architectural Review, which is an open access journal on Wiley Online Library.
PDF⇒Full paper
16 June
Ohno gave a lecture for the general public titled “The characteristics and transformation of Japanese traditional houses” at “Shibuya 246 Seminar” sponsored by Shibuya Center of the Open University of Japan.
13 May
マンチェスター大学のレイモンド・ルーカス博士をMERA研究会(日本建築学会人類学的アプローチWG との共催)にお招きして、「建築人類学のノーテイション(表記法)」と題する講演をして頂きました。
Dr. Raymond Lucas from University of Manchester gave a lecture titled “architectural anthropology” at the MERA seminar (under the cosponsorship of the anthropological approach working group of AIJ) held at University of Tokyo.
31 March
日本建築学会の新英文誌(Japan Architectural Review)に大野研究室の「移動時の知覚に関する研究」に関するレビュー論文が掲載されました(オンラインジャーナル)。
"Studies on Environmental Perception during Locomotion--A Review of Empirical Studies by the Ohno Laboratory" has just published in the Japan Architectural Review, which is an open access journal on Wiley Online Library.

PDF⇒Full paper
20 January
Ohno enjoyed a potluck party at home with the Chinese students whom he taught 1.5 years ago in Changchun. They now study in Tokyo to seek doctoral degree in architecture or civil engineering.
14 January
Ohno gave a lecture for the general public titled “How to manage and enjoy urban spaces” at “the 246 Seminar” of Shibuya Center of the Open University of Japan.

10 October - 12 November
Ohno stayed for one month in the Dalian University of Technology as a “sea/sky scholar”, visiting professor, to give a series of lectures on EBS and to advise graduate students on their researches.
A report (in Chinese) ⇒大連理工大学建艺学院新聞
7 November
Ohno gave a special lecture titled "Possible Contribution of New Data Environment and New Analytical Techniques to Environment-Behavior Studies " at the Department of Architecture, Tianjin University. Associate professor Yuan, ex-student of Ohno Lab. made the introduction.
15–30 September
Ryuzo Ohno stayed for a half month in the Shengyan Architectural University as a visiting professor to give a series of lectures on EBS and to advise graduate students on their researches.
23-24 September
Ohno attended a conference on 10 Years Liaodogn Bay Development held in Pangjin, Liaoning, China. Professor Yuan Yichen from Tianjin University also attended the conference.
25 July
– 3 September

Ryuzo Ohno stayed 6 weeks in Changchun, China, where he taught academic writing and presentation in Japanese to Chinese students who received scholarship from Japanese Government to seek Ph.D. degree in Japan.
27 May
The wedding ceremony of Mr. Ryo Kawase and Miss Akane Tokorodani, who fished their Master course at Ohno laboratory in 2013 and 2014 respectively, was held in Ginza, Tokyo. At the wedding party, their many contemporaries at Tokyo Tech attended and celebrated the new start of Ryo and Akane.
21-22 April
Professor Takemi Sugiyama from Australian Catholic University gave a talk at the MERA symposium on sedentary behavior. Next day, I invited him to my house to have a party with MERA members. The cherry blossoms in front of my house were in full bloom at that day.
14 April
⇒ 受賞論文の概要
Dr. Fukuda Nana graduatd from our laboratory in 2014 received Encouragement Prize of AIJ 2016 for her paper.
⇒ Abstract
1 April
Ohno has become a visiting professor of the Open University of Japan. He also started to teach once a week at Japan Women's University in addition to Tokyo University of the Arts. 
Dr. Isagawa graduatd from our laboratory in 2013 has become a full-time lecturer of Toky City University.
21-26 March
A short trip around Seto Inland Sea and Kyoto with Mr. & Mrs. Johnson from Colorado: Dogo Onsen (hot spring); Toyo Ito Museum of Architecture; Yoshiaki Tada’s new office in Marukame; Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum; Benesse House in Naoshima; Miho Museum; Toraya Café.

26 February
カルフォルニア大学アーバイン校のサンジョイ・マズムダー教授の下で訪問研究員として1年間研究をすることになった 福田菜々さんを囲んでホームパーティをしました。北海道科学大学講師の福田さんは、大学から海外サバティカル制度の奨学金を得ています。
We had a farewell party at Ohno's home for Ms. Nana Fukuda who is going to work for one year as a visiting scholar with Professor Sanjoy Mazumdar of UC Irvine. She, currently teaches at Hokkaido University of Science as an Assistant Professor, awarded the overseas sabbatical program from the school.

Ohno attended EBRA (Environmental Behavior Research Association) Conference held at Chongqing University. He presented a paper coauthored with Ms. Ayaka Iwata and Zongchao Gu. Yuan Yichen, Yu Yang, and Zongchao Gu attended the conference.
21- 27 September
Ohno traveled with Professor Yuan in Chengdu、Dujiangyan and Jiuzhaigo.
- 21 October

Ohno stayed in the Dalian University of Technology as a “sea/sky scholar”, visiting professor, to give a series of lectures on EBS and to advise graduate students on their researches.
A report (in Chinese) ⇒大連理工大学建艺学院研究生会
26 July
– 2 September

Ryuzo Ohno stayed 5 weeks in Changchun, China, where he taught academic writing and presentation in Japanese to Chinese students who received scholarship from Japanese Government to seek Ph.D. degree in Japan.
9 July
We had a party for the last PhD student of Ohno Lab., Ms. Yin Qing, who received her PhD degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology last June.
30 May
At the AIJ Prize 2016 ceremony, the president Dr. Nakashima Masayoshi, a colleague at Kobe University, gave us the certificate and a commemorative of the prize of AIJ for book.
28 May
Ryuzo Ohno received MERA service award 2015 at the 23rd MERA annual conference held at Hosei University.
10 May
Ryuzo Ohno was invited to Hangzhou, China, to give a lecture at Zhejiang University of Technology. Professor Lingzhi Liu, who was a research fellow of Tokyo Institute of Technology, kindly served as an interpreter.
  A report (in Chinese) ⇒ 建筑工程学院新闻
24 April
A dinner party was held at Ohno’s house for Professor Lu Wei from Dalian University of Technology, China. Dr. Takashi Takahashi, Lu’s teacher at University of Tokyo, his wife Professor Kuniko Hashimoto of Chiba Institute of Technology and Professor Kazuhiko Nishide of University of Tokyo joined the party.
18 April
今年度の建築学会賞の発表があり、大野隆造・小林美紀の共著「安全で心地よい環境をつくる 人間環境学」(井上書院)が2016年日本建築学会著作賞を受賞する。
⇒ 受賞論文の概要
Architectural Institute of Japan announced AIJ Prize 2016.
Ryuzo Ohno and Miki Kobayashi's book, "Human Urbanism for Creating Safe and Friendly Environments", received the Prize of AIJ for Book, 2016.
Announcement of the AIJ Prize
Outline of the book (in Japanese with English abstract)
Dr. Isagawa graduatd from our laboratory in 2013 received Encouragement Prize of AIJ 2016 for his paper.
⇒ Abstract

The Chinese version of the book
8 April
上野にある東京藝術大学で週一回「特論 環境計画」を教えることになる。初講日は花見シーズン真っ盛り。
Ohno started to teach once a week at Tokyo University of the Arts in Ueno, which is one of the hottest spots in Tokyo particularly in this HANAMI (cherry blossom viewing) season.
29 January
An architectural students’ group from China led by Associate Professor Yuan Yiqian of Tianjin University visited Ohno's house in Kohoku New Town, Yokohama.
  Professor Yuan wrote a report (in Chinese) ⇒ archiworld 北京世界之旅

25 November 2015 日本大学大学院生物資源科学研究科(湘南キャンパス)にて「人の心理と行動から構築環境を考える」と題して特別講義。
Ohno gave a special lecture titled "Built environment considered from human behavior" at the Colledge of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University (Shonan Campus).
15 November
Prof. Kaisa Broner-Bauer, former Dean of the Department of Architecture, Oulu University, Finland, visited Ohno's house. Her old friend, Professor David Stewart and his wife Toshiko joined the party.
7 November
Home coming day for the OB/OG of Ohno Laboratory was held at a meeting room of Tokyo Tech Front in O-okayama.
24 October
Ohno participated a site tour to the rime stone pit in Utsunomiya organized by the KUKAN KENKYU subcommittee of AIJ.
21-29 September
ポーランドのLodz(ウッジ)で開催されたEAEA会議に参加、余漾さんと共著の論文を発表した。 ⇒論文PDF
Ohno attended EAEA (European Architectural Envisioning Association) Conference held at Lodz University of Technology Poland. He presented a paper coauthored with Ms. Yu Yang titled "Effect of pedestrian observation mode on perceptual continuity of the streetscape"
11 September
Ohno participated as a speaker with Professor Monnai and Professor Tsumita a symposium titled “KUKAN KENKYU (Research on space): its past and future” organized by KUKAN KENKYU subcommittee of AIJ.
6 September
Prof. Sanjoy Mazumdar with his wife Shampa visited Ohno’s house and had a party with Professor Yurika Yokoyama and her son Haruki; Professor Hiroko Mizumura and her son Miki; Professor Shunsuke Ito; Ms. Eriko Kawano and her daughter Rina; Professor Minami’s son Seij.
1 August
– 5 September

At the Northeast Normal University in Changchun, China, Ohno taught professional Japanese language for Chinese students who will be receiving PhD education in Japan.
6, 7 July
Ohno gave lectures in Tianjin University and Beijing Forestry University, where former students, Ms. Yuan Yiqian , Ms. Yin Qing, Ms. Yu Yang served as interpreter for my talk.
The Chinese version of the book, "Human Urbanism for Creating Safe and Friendly Environments" translated by them was just published in Beijing during our stay.
1, 2 July

Ohno gave lectures on “environmental design for safety from crimes and natural disasters considering human behavior” in Northeastern University and Shenyang Jianzhu University in Shenyang, China.
26 June
Ohno participated a research meeting for exchange ideas on environmental design based on observation of people's daily activities held in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
1-30 June
Ohno stayed in the Dalian University of Technology as a “sea/sky scholar”, visiting professor, to teach EBS.
8 May 2015 日本建築学会「文化と環境WG」公開研究会
31 March
The Ohno laboratory in Tokyo Institute of Technology was closed on 31 March. However, research activities will be continued.
26 March
The last students from our lab cerebrated their graduation. Our laboratory had turned out about 100 graduates.
20 February
Ohno gave his last lecture at Tokyo Institute of Technology. More than 150 people including former students from abroad attended the lecture and an informal get-together held in Suzukakedai campus in Yokohama.